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At First Light


At First Light is a celebration of the natural world, one morning at a time. Put on the coffee, cozy up in your favorite chair and soak in the beauty of a new day. Breathe deeply and turn the pages slowly through the seasons. Listen to the sound of skis glide over fresh snow. Keep a keen eye out for deer prints as you pass through the tall tree shadows of sunrise.

This exquisite book reminds us that each day is a new gift to cherish and explore.
Just as the late winter sun eases up the river ice, the pages of At First Light will clear your spirit and start your day with a warm glow for many seasons to come.

You will never really finish reading At First Light.

Winner of the 2019 Benjamin Franklin Award, Silver in the Gift Book category

Allentown: A Photographic Journey in the Heart of Buffalo, NY


A photographic journey through Beautiful black & white photographs by Bill Faught capture the essence of Allentown, a neighborhood at the heart of Buffalo, New York. Evocative narrative by illustrious neighbors helps illustrate the sense of community that honors the past while embracing the future and communicates the funky bohemian spirit that pervades these historic streets.

Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Award, Gold in the Gift Book category

A Spirituality of Being Human


Hugh Brady’s life’s work has been discovering the divine in the human. He thinks we have it wrong when we apologize, saying: “I am only human.”

A Spirituality of Being Human explores our human nature as a sacred gift, even with its vulnerabilities and weaknesses. In fact, it is through our limitations that we find our way to growth, compassion, and grace. “It is not in escaping our human condition but in its full embrace that we can feel the divine heartbeat within our own human hearts.”

Jesus taught a spirituality of being human when he walked among us. Discover with Brady the fullness of human life as the bridge to transformation and the building of the kingdom of God. Our human home, Earth, is integral to this spirituality.

Albright: The Life and Times of John J. Albright


The fascinating story of the elusive man who brought steel to Buffalo, harnessed the power of Niagara Falls, and gave Buffalo its most treasured gift: the Albright Art Gallery. To tell this compelling tale required a long and circuitous journey, from small town archives to big city libraries, tracking down Albright descendents in New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts to sift through the many layers of mystery which have for so long shrouded this enigmatic man. The result is a beautiful, illustrated biography of industrialist and philanthropist John J. Albright, one which reveals the remarkable story of a man and the turn-of-the-century city in which he lived. Exquisite photographs by Susan Fuller Albright bring to life this extraordinary man and his family.

Winner of the 2019 IPPY Award, Silver in Biography

A Final River to Cross: The Underground Railroad at Youngstown, NY


This local and regional study fills the gap in documenting Youngstown’s role in the Underground Railroad in New York State. It also offers further proof of the existence of, support for, and operation of the Underground Railroad in Western New York. It is a comprehensive and extensive book meant for both the general reader and scholars. The authors have uncovered a rich treasure of information in newly discovered primary source materials. Discover the compelling stories of the citizens of Youngstown who formed an intricate Underground Railroad network.


Buffalo Heritage Press

487 pages (7.5 x 9.25″) Indexed.

ISBN: 978-1-952536-01-4 (softcover)

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