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Five Hungry Mice


Five hungry mice set their sights on a box full of rice, but danger lurks in the night. Follow the adventures of these five clever mice as they zig and they zag, as they criss and they cross, in pursuit of the prize in this delightful retelling of a classic 19th century tale.

Written by Mrs. Frances A.B. Dunning in the mid-1800s, and retold and beautifully illustrated for contemporary children by Heather Lynn Harris, it is hoped that Five Hungry Mice, retold and brought to life with vivid illustrations, will revive a lost gem to the delight of children everywhere. This book is a classic that will be treasured by even the youngest of readers.

Winner of the 2018 Moonbeam Award, Silver in the Preschool Category 

B is For Buffalo: An Aerial Alphabet


Buffalo, New York is known for its remarkable architecture. Masterpieces by world-renowned architects dot the city. From the ground, these structures are impressive. From the sky, they are breathtaking. Soar high over the Queen City via beautiful drone photography and see the city like you’ve never seen it before. From the sweeping grandeur of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery to the immense scalloped walls of Temple Beth Zion, discover Buffalo from A to Z.

Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Award, Silver in the Gift Book Category

Saint Joseph’s Day Table Cookbook


The only cookbook dedicated to Saint Joseph’s Day – the table, the recipes, the symbols, the traditions. Celebrated for many generations, this lovely feast is in danger of extinction. Chef Mary Ann Giordano has gathered nearly 100 of the best Saint Joseph day table recipes, many from her own family’s treasure trove, and added fascinating Saint Joseph’s day lore and traditions. The result is a beautifully illustrated, unique book that celebrates a tradition that deserves to be preserved and cherished. Easy-to-follow recipes for favorites like sfinge, pasta con sarde, and carduni fritti, as well as a menu and a planning guide. Add your family favorites to the Giordano traditions, and keep this celebration alive for generations to come. Or simply enjoy preparing these luscious Sicilian dishes year-round!

Buffalo From A to Z, Come Take A Tour With Me


Accompany Bob Uffalo as he takes children to dozens of destinations around Buffalo and Western New York. This cute little buffalo is a delightful guide for kids who are visiting Buffalo, as well as for locals. He’s quick to take a selfie and loves to post them on his Instagram, @Bob_Uffalo. Spectacular photographs showcase more than 60 iconic things to do and places to go in Buffalo, from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery to the Buffalo Zoo.

ISBN SOFTCOVER 978-1-942483-60-1

ISBN HARDCOVER 978-1942483-61-8

IMPRINT Buffalo Heritage Press

DIMENSIONS 51 pages | 8.5″×8.5″